Thursday, May 1, 2008


My daughter scares the living daylights out of me. She climbed into the bathtub with Aiden the other night as my back was turned, quick as lightning, pajamas and all. As I was turning, Aiden whined, "Aw, Mommy! Ava's in here, too!" I caught her mid-fall as she had climbed from the couch onto the adjacent TV tray for thrills and it proceeded to tip over (it is not stable enough to accomodate a 20 lb. child you know). She knows how to get around the gate blocking the stairs and gave us a scare. She threw a towel in the toilet. With Aiden, we didn't need to put gates up, quarantine the plants, move potential climbing tools away from danger areas, worry about him eating poisonous stuff (since he eats essentially nothing anyway--again, opposite of Miss Piggy). Radley and I would probably fall in the middle of the "child-proof lockdown to child-endangerment" range of parents. However, since Ava's mobility arrived, we've been forced to move a little to the lockdown side. I have to say, though, it is interesting at the same time as it's scary. She's so different from Aiden and she was just born that way--less cautious, fearless, and wanting to be in the middle of everything. With Aiden, you can see his mind calculating the chances that he'll land on his feet from a 3-foot jump, or if he should risk going down the slide standing, etc. Ava...No way man, it's jump!! And ask mommy for a bandaid later. Seeing the difference in how they approach hazardous situations has been fascinating and I'm ready for where the ride will take us next because so far, it's been a blast!


Unknown said...

Rock on, Ava! A girl after my own heart!! I am in love with her already! :)

Liza said...

Tyler & Josh are same way! Tyler, the older one - very cautious. Josh - just do it! He's always bloody!