Thursday, December 11, 2008

Very funny, guys

So children are demanding of their parents. Any mother or father will tell you that children master the art of begging, pleading, bargaining, and scamming very early on. There is nothing cuter than Ava saying, "Pleath?" with a knowing smile on her face. They sense that millisecond hesitation where your heart says, "Awww...Isn't she the cutest thing ever?!?! Give her what she wants, just spoil her rotten!" before your carefully guilted-in and babycenter-researched parenting skills kick in..."No, baby." And the battle is on.

Tonight, I got double-teamed. Aiden and Ava both wanted something simultaneously--not as rare as it should be--and the answers were wait until later and no, respectively. Aiden, quite innocently started it all with one please? and Ava looked at him, smiled, and said pleath? Aiden looked back at her, grinned...And it was on. Please...pleath...please...pleath...please...pleath...please...pleath...please...pleath...pleeeeeeee...

I tried to get this sweet yet annoying spectacle on tape, but of course the second the camera came out it was dancing time. So, it effectively ended the pleath...please... session, but now no one but me can appreciate the hilarity of that moment :) The hilarious part is, not only were the two monsters entertaining themselves, but they were also seriously still begging me. Neither one of them can be distracted or made to forget very easily. Talk about multi-tasking!

Monday, December 1, 2008


Aiden got his first real punishment today. Typically, our discipline up to this time has been lecturing (I'm really good at that) or more rarely, time-out. I have to say, Aiden has not done a whole lot to require anything more serious. Well, except the time he stuck his tongue out at me when he was walking away and...let's just say I caught up to him real fast and that was the last time he did that! But, in the last week or so, I've noticed some sneaky behavior on his part and outright lies. Like yesterday, when I had my back turned to him to load groceries onto the conveyor belt and when I turned around, I saw the cashier ring up sour twizzlers. I instantly called him on it (he snuck them onto the belt when I wasn't looking) and he looked sheepish and then crushed when I told the cashier to go ahead and keep them cuz I'll give them to Daddy. We had a talk in the car about asking for things first. Or, the other day, when he pushed his chair up to the counter and ran up to his room...I busted him with empty candy wrappers...

Then, this morning, as I rushed around getting everything in the car and mentally trying to count off the 30 things I needed to be sure I got to Bianka's, Kindergarten, and work in the next 10 minutes, I threw a waffle at Aiden and told him to start eating. Now, Aiden is against all food. To get him to eat breakfast, in particular, is painful. I just don't have time in the morning to stand sentry and encourage every bite until he chokes down a decent amount of nourishment. So, I've compromised and I get him his fave waffles that he eats sans syrup (so it's actually not bad) or sometimes a muffin or banana bread work, too. Anyway, this breakfast almost always gets carried over into the car on the way to kindergarten. I check every few minutes that he chews, swallows, repeats steps 1 and 2. Otherwise, he won't eat. Well, at one point this morning I just asked him, "Are you eating?" And he answered "Yes." I resumed my concentration on driving on the icy roads, up icy hill, over icy parking lot, into kindergarten--drop-off complete! Fool...

Fast forward to me picking up the kids after work. As I'm putting Ava into her car seat, I notice a waffle on the floor. Aiden's waffle that he told me he ate and then threw on the floor. A) Lying, B) Wasting expensive food, C) Trashing my van!!!!!!! So no video games today for all those reasons. Boy, did he cry! Not that he plays video games every day, but the sheer fact that I said NO not a chance for you to play at all, devastated him. So, long story...We'll see if it made an impact. Sigh...And another breakfast is just 11 hours away...