Friday, May 30, 2008

Blue light special, Online Shoppers!

There is this annoying commercial over here on AFN (that's Armed Forces Network for you non-DoDDSers), where this hardcore chick is saying, "What do drugs, alcohol, gambling, and credit cards all have in common? They can all be addicting--Yes, even credit cards." (We can't have normal commercials here so we get educated during our show breaks!) This is what is going through my mind as I click, yet again, to Old Navy's website "just to look". It's not like we have a lot of options here. Especially right now. The euro rate pretty much restricts us from buying much from German stores and our other illustrious option is the Px (post exchange). Or as Aiden calls it, "The Pee Eks". I'm not a snob. I've bought and currently wear the Px brands--particularly proud of my purchases when they've been 75% off and cost about $2. But, I can only lace my meager wardrobe with these particular purchases or I risk looking like a doughty middle-aged mom. Shut up, Odell. Anyway! I've really been trying to get some different, colorful, bold patterns added to my staple black and gray pieces. BUT...Radley's got a few financial goals for us that he'd love to make easily done IF I can not shop like I normally do online for like, a month? I though, "No problem!" So, today, several times, I thought, "So it must've been a month by now that I've shopped at ON." So I counted back to my last purchase. It was NOT a month ago. And now I'm feeling...what I would liken to withdrawl...And that's when I go online "just to browse" while the AFN lady's talking to ME now...My bag has several items in it but I haven't hit that magical "checkout" button yet...How strong am I? Do I need to go to Old Navy rehab?

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