Sunday, March 16, 2008

Good neighbors

Yesterday, we had our nanny's family (cousin and family visiting from KY) over just to hang out and eat pizza. But while Rad was out with some of them getting the pizza and beer, and I was waiting for the others to come, I saw my across the street neighbor, Marianne, going back to her house. So I called her into the house to come have a glass of wine with me and we just chatted for about 30 minutes or so before she had to get back. We have taken to ambushing each other with invites to come and "have a glass of wine" ever since she invited me in for a "glass" at 10:30 one morning when I was giving her a package the mail man had left with us (Do they do that in the States--Have a neighbor take and deliver the package when the person's not home?). Anyway, that glass turned into the whole bottle and it's our joke now :) This is the first place I've ever lived that I've associated with my neighbors and it's made me realize how valuable this little piece of life is that is disappearing from American social norms. Not only because good neighbors watch your house for interesting goings-on and would call the cops or fireman when you're so in need (or run out at 2am with a super-soaker to put out your barn fire--as Rad did for Marianne much to my chagrin years ago), but because having that positive social interaction can be fulfilling when you're learning about a different perspective, experiences, and opinions. And Aiden talking to our 80-something year-old neighbor over the fence is the cutest Dennis the Menace replay! I laugh as I watch the old man raise his eyebrows and fein amazement as Aiden shows him how he can kick the soccer ball :) Not all neighbors are worth knowing, but it's worth taking the time to figure out which are the good ones.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the reminder laugh about the super soaker!! teeheee!!

About the packages being left... they sometimes do that here, I had that happen to me a couple times when in San Diego. I can see how it is safer to leave your package with a neighbor... assuming of course you trust your neighbors which is back linked to your comment about needing to have good people around you.

I would LOVE to see a pic of Aiden talking to the neighbor!! Sounds adorable!!!