Monday, January 21, 2008

I'm bloggin'!

So I've joined the technological revolution! Figured it was time I did something techie. Plus, I have a horrible memory and this blog will help me to document some of the everyday events in life that--though they're "everyday"--one day I will want to look back and remember. I hope to contribute a thought or two a couple times a week, so add this to your favorites if you're interested...I'll try to be at my wittiest and most entertaining here :) Yeah, so that pic at the top is really big...Not sure if I like that. But I thought it was fitting to the title and theme of this blog. This scene is how I spend 90% of my time at home with the kids--being a live jungle gym. Ava's at that clingy stage (almost 8 mos) and Aiden resents her getting so much mommy time, so he just joins in. I keep reminding myself that one day I'll miss the feeling of little feet and hands digging into every part of my body trying to propell themselves...wherever they think they're going (usually ends up with someone tangled in my hair). Well, this will just be my first blog. Little voices are calling...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hooray and Welcome!! That top pic cracks me up! ;)