Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Creature of habit

Ugh. Why oh why do I get stuck clicking on the same 5 websites that I always visit? There's an entire world online to explore and yet I am hesitant to step out there, click something new, or even old. Visit a site I've been to before, found cool, and then promptly forgot because there is just too much to remember in a single day. I even find myself routing myself into setting-based patterns. I only view certain websites at work, certain at home, one or two anywhere else. I know there are other "places" out there, but really, I'm just too lazy to find them, explore them, and add them to my little online world. Is this the weirdest blog ever? But it's really an issue that I have with myself.


judygraham said...

Follow your bliss! If you are happy with your three to five websites, bully for you! If your discontent is a not just a misguided sense that you have to keep up with the Internet Joneses, and you really do want to explore, then do that.

I say go with the flow. Whatever you want is okay.

That'll be 25¢.

Andrea said...

HAHA! Thanks for making me feel better. Hey, I think your blog is very interesting and I like the layout!