Wednesday, February 20, 2008


So maybe it's cuz I know about all sorts of early developmental milestones from working in the schools, but I'm SUPER excited that Aiden now draws pictures of people that resemble Picasso works more than scribbles. Overnight, Aiden has discovered how to make a circle for a head, round splotches for eyes, cheeks, ears, chins, noses, etc...and LEGS! Okay, so for you non-elementary ed people, this is actually a significant developmental milestone, not just mommy pride. Yes, I'm the speech therapist that actually notes in my kids' baby books "reduplicated babbling: da da--6 months; first wh-question form--2.5 years", ect. Ha ha! Oh well. Using my education for something :) Anyway, that's been the highlight of my week so far! That, and when Aiden explained a drawing that he did at kindergarten today included his "balls"...Nice, Daddy...