Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A good cry

Don't you find it hitting you at the most unexpected moment? The need for a good cry. It may be that life has just bombarded you with demands, expectations, and bitter disappointments. Or maybe you just had a crappy day. You feel it welling up inside you. The rational side of your mind says, "get over it, you're an adult--deal." But child inside you wants to lie on the floor kicking and screaming, "Waaaaaaaaahh!!! Why me?!? It's not fair!" And then, equally as unexpectedly...The Release...Usually prompted by an episode of Extreme Home Makeover, Oprah, or one of those priceless credit card commercials...An unrepentant ugly cry. You're sobbing loudly over the injustice of Rachel and Ross being denied their rightful true love all these years because of their blind stubbornness to see the truth right in front of their EYES!!! You're heaving great sighs of sadness over the poor crippled boy who JUST NEEDS A RAMP TO GET INTO HIS HOUSE! You're wailing because Oprah looooooooved her doggie and how could he die?!? What? That hasn't happened to you before? Never been hit by the sobs and the sheepish relief that follows? Oh, I see. Yeah, I was just talking about what my friend does...She's crazy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh that crazy friend of mine!!! I hear ya tho!! :)