Saturday, April 25, 2009


So we went to Aiden's first soccer game of the season today. Yeah...Aiden and his two friends got the coach a bit frustrated. So it was a cold, rainy day and as usual, Aiden was not that into getting the ball or making a goal. He and two other similarly disinterested friends proceded to chase each other in circles and whatnot...on the field, as the game was being sadly lost while about two dedicated boys tried to regain the ball and make a goal. I was somewhere between mortified and like, "Well, boys will be boys." I do think that Aiden needs to learn the value of working on and for a team. In this aspect, he has not learned enough yet. However, he is having fun...

As I said, it was rainy, and at one point, Aiden ran over to us and requested an umbrella to take with him back to the field...

On another note, since the game was played at our "home" team's town (Frauenberg), we soccer moms were expected to bake goods to sell. I decided I was going to go All-American and give those Germans something new to try. I made rice crispy treats. A truly foreign affair for any other than Americans. Radley overheard some of Aiden's teammates asking him what they were and his explanation centered around the marshmallows, so the boys responded, "Oh...Marshmallows..." In all, I think three people may have been brave enough to pay the 50 euro-cents for one. HA HA! Oh well, more for us, as Radley pointed out!

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