Friday, April 3, 2009


Every spring and summer evening around 9:00, my bats come out. Tonight, I spotted them for the first time and ran to the window all excited to welcome them out of hibernation. It's weird, I know. I almost think of them as my pets. They're so cool and they eat the bugs--especially the mosquitos that eat my Aiden--so they're cool with me. And, it's a sign that spring is definitely here! Tonight, the two (or three or eight--hard to tell when they flit around so fast!) eating their first buggy meal of the year appeared to be fighting and I found myself chastizing them not to argue, as there is surely enough bugs to go around. This might be a sign of craziness? Anyway, I'm sure they'll work it out. And now, I get to watch my nightly display of death-defying jerky flights around the backyard. They come right up to the window, on what appears a repetitious convoluted, diving pattern around the yard. It's really amazing to watch when you realize they can't see jack squat and that they're using sonar to figure that the windows about to smash into their furry faces so they can make a sudden twist and dive for a bug at the same time.

There are two things that concern me a bit. First is, where do they live? Like, where's the bat cave? It certainly must be nearby...And second, I hope they use their sonar for avoiding objects realiably in case I'm out late one night chilling with the friends on the back patio. I'd hate to have one of my furry friends tangled up in my hair. I might not be so enthused about them after that.


Unknown said...

Oh, I can just picture you, me and Aiden at that back window watching the bats!!! How fun! :) And surely you won't get a bat tangled in your hair while enjoying an evening out back! You know that would be about my worst nightmare!!!

Andrea said...

Truly, Beth...I'm so sorry about that "Jessie" incident in...'95?

Unknown said...

LOL yes, that incident has scarred me for life!!! :)