Saturday, February 28, 2009


Last night in the car I said to Radley, "Man, that corn on my toe really hurts!" and Aiden piped in from the back seat, "Mommy, why you got corn on your toes?????"

Poor Aiden puked at Aunt Jill's tonight. His kindergarten had been shut down a little over a week ago to be disinfected because so many people have been sick. I knew it was just sitting in his little body, incubating...Argh! He got in the car to go home after being sick in the bathroom and growled, "I hate throwing up! Throwing up is stupid!" Yes, baby, it is.

Earlier in the night, Ava was looking out the open window in Jill's dining room and looked down, commented on something forgetting that her nuk was in her mouth and it fell down, down two stories to the grass below. She was all concerned and Aunt Jill suggested that she tell Uncle Ryan to go get it for her and Ava didn't hestitate, yelling, "Wyaaaaaaan!" Hysterical!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awwww, so cute!!! Poor Aiden!! And poor Uncle Ryan.... hehehehehe!!