Friday, April 18, 2008

Creepy martin

I just had a close encounter with a martin--a wild weasle-like creature about the size of a mediumish fox. Anyway, I had just blown out a candle in the darkened kitchen, ready to go upstairs to sleep, and I glimpsed a martin running along the sidewalk. You don't see them that often. The biggest evidence they've been around is your car won't start cuz they've eaten the starter wires and stuff. They like car wires. Just climb up under the hood and eat the coating off. Weird as hell, but whatever. Anyway, it ran under our across the street neighbor's car and I was curious to see it better, so I opened the front door. Right away, it poked it's head out from under the car and looked right at me. Then it started running for me! I just stood there a second thinking, "What, does it want to come in?" Then I slammed the door shut and ran and jumped up on the counter in the kitchen so I could look out the window at the ground. Well, I didn't see it. I thought maybe it went under Rad's car for a snack (he's at stick-fighting with my car), I grabbed his keys and activated the alarm with the remote so the horn would honk and scare it away. I still didn't see him run. So I don't know where he is and I'm a little creeped out by how he looked at me and ran at me...Like he's waiting for me now...out there...until I open the door out of irrepressible curiousity...


Unknown said...

OMG! Did you have nightmares about this thing?!?!?!

Andrea said...

Ha! Well, not nightmares, but I was honestly too scared to open the door again to find out where it went.